
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

HMA-Winning Brad Cheeseman Group and MIdcoast Bring Jazz To Homegrown Hamilton

Come out to Homegrown Hamilton for the BCG's first Hamilton gig in over a year (!) and one of our first gigs since winning INSTRUMENTAL RECORDING OF THE YEAR at the Hamilton Awards Awards. We'll be joined by our good friends Midcoast for an evening of original contemporary jazz music.

Brad Cheeseman Group - "Cheeseman is on his way to becoming one of Canada's bright new jazz composer-artists" - Glen Brown, Hamilton Musician

Brad Cheeseman - Bass/Compositions
Lorenzo Castelli - Drums
Robert Chapman - Guitar
Sam Kogen - Keys
Chelsea McBride - Tenor Sax

Midcoast - "Midcoast is an exciting band, blending the exploratory tones of modern jazz with the organic sounds of pop and folk music"

Sebastian Balk-Forcione - Drums
Dave Haskett - Bass
Sam Kogen - Keys
Andrew Racknor - Sax
Dan Rougeau - Guitar

Cover is $7 ($5 with valid student card)

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