
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dirty Jeans at the Casbah Hamilton

By Devlin Flynn

Who couldn’t look forward to a night such as this one? As the reading week for college delinquents comes to an end, last Sunday posed as a speed bump in our descent back into routine. And what could be a better evening spent than one spent at the Casbah with Pluto Adrift and Carpenteers; all to be headlined by the darling, attention-grabbing Dirty Jeans. I was lucky enough to spend some time with them and pick their brains. Some snippets of our conversation can be read at the end of the article!

Photo by Nigel Stewart

I arrived early to the venue to meet with the ladies and after shootin’ some s@#t and consuming some grub, Pluto Adrift took to the stage. Despite the somewhat low turnout these peeps rocked, grooved and tripped (the acid kind) the room up all the same. With influences such as Led Zeppelin, Kyuss and Queens of the Stone Age, Pluto Adrift catches my attention instantly with a stoner/blues/rock/metal aura surrounding them on stage. When performing, they represent themselves to a prime level, either soothing the crowd with lounging bluesy movements or making heads bob along with some good ol’ experimental grooves. Soaring and tearing over it all is Anthony Giavedoni switching between smooth, slurry melodies and grinding growls whilst playing some fuzz-drenched bass. They have recently released an EP entitled, “Drift” which is available on Bandcamp. Everyone should check these guys out.

Photo by Nigel Stewart

Up next were the nucking futs Carpenteers. Let me tell you, these guys are a damn treat to watch live. This punk trio was born in Belleville, Ontario and are evidently filled with a raw hometown angst that suits them incredibly well. Despite the loud, maybe even obnoxious nature of the music I can’t help but feel their act is endearing: bassist Benjamin Bush kicking his feet, jumping and inevitably falling to the stage floor; Nigel Stewart on the kit making his knuckles bleed due to punching his drums; and Chad Chartrand making loud guitar noises and high-pitched melodic yelling. If you are looking to get stupid for an evening see if these dudes are playing anywhere near you because it is impossible to not feel a little dumb while watching these guys rock it. If you are looking for a good time while still keeping your basic cognitive functions to par then keep a look out for them all the same. Either way you will feel like you are witnessing something special. Look them up on bandcamp and get their album “Disposable” for free!

Photo by Nigel Stewart

To cap off this Sunday trilogy was Dirty Jeans, who have released their first EP and are receiving some well-deserved attention for it. The band has more than a few things going for them. In a live context each member provides a different characteristic to the performance. Ashley Slogget with her guitar and pipes (a voice capable of many things ) shakes the house all while maintaining the most inviting of smiles; Also contributing to the vox and on the bass is Kelly Boag who puts forth sly and seductive demeanors as she holds the music up with simplistic but needed driving bass; And of course this band wouldn’t be complete without the monster behind the kit, Lindsay Bird. It is rare that I think to myself, “I am glad I am not a drum kit”, but Lindsay has successfully put that thought into my head. These different attributes are the results of an evidently strong relationship between the three of them and makes for a really cool, collective entity. Above that all, they know how to write some catchy-as-hell tunes. What was unfortunate was the sound for their set was definitely the worst out of the three sets so Ashley and Kelly’s hooks couldn’t be heard as well as they should’ve been. That aside, the quality and empowering nature of the songs is undeniable. They also busted out some beastly covers such as The Police’s “Next To You” and a Josie and the Pussycats tune.
Dirty Jeans is an embodiment of how healing friendship and sisterhood really is, and it was truly a blast to chat with them and for a few moments be a part of and witness something that is genuinely important to them.
Photo by Nigel Stewart

Read the Interview with Ashley and Lindsay HERE

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